Specifications include, but are not limited to: Conduct thorough, complete, and current POST and CHP compliant pre-employment background investigation services for Uniformed, Nonuniformed Sensitive, and Sensitive Public Safety Dispatcher and Public Safety Operator positions. All relevant information, whether positive or derogatory, shall be documented in a standalone narrative. All investigations shall utilize the electronic Statement of Personal History (eSOPH) program, to upload and manage all documents and submit finalized reports. All investigators shall be Licensed Private Investigators or Attorneys. A background investigation should be completed within 60 days unless unforeseen circumstances require an extension which will be provided by CHP on a case by case basis. The investigator shall use all relevant CHP documents and guidelines to ensure completeness and consistency. All determinations for employment and suitability shall remain the sole decision of the CHP. The investigations shall include the following elements for each specific classification and shall be documented in accordance with CHP guidelines.