Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor will perform all construction staking. The staking work includes, but is not limited to, establishing or re-establishing the project centerline; establishing control points and benchmarks as needed; setting additional benchmarks as needed; taking original and final cross sections of all Contractor secured borrow sources and State designated borrow sources; taking cross sections of all topsoil stockpiles; and staking right-of-way, easements, and fence. The Contractor will perform all construction layout and reference staking necessary for the accurate control and completion of all grading, paving, drainage, median crossovers, signing, pavement marking, permanent benchmarks, detours, fence, and all other appurtenances required for the complete construction and acceptance of the work. The layout will include, but is not limited to, staking clearing line, slope staking and slope stake referencing, grade staking (blue tops), and performing the miscellaneous staking as described in the plans and in this specification. Horizontal and vertical control has been established as shown on the plans. Each horizontal and vertical control point will be preserved or reset out of the work limits and available during and after construction is complete. Prior to the Department’s final acceptance of the project, the Contractor will replace or reset any control that is disturbed during the construction of the project. The Contractor will provide the Department a list of the in-place control points, including coordinates and elevations relevant to the project control, at the end of the project. The Department will provide an MCG packet to all prospective bidders consisting of a XML file containing the original surface Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and 4 design files for each new alignment on the project. The electronic design files will include, a XML file containing mainline alignment data, a XML file containing mainline design surface DTM, a DGN file containing triangles for mainline surface, and a DWG file containing triangles for mainline surface. The MCG packet will be available on the Department’s electronic bid letting website when the project is advertised for bid letting. The Contractor will convert the electronic information provided by the Department into the format required by the Contractor’s MCG system. The Department makes no guarantee the information provided is directly compatible with the Contractor’s MCG system. The information shown in the plans will govern over the provided electronic information. The Contractor assumes the risk of error if the information is used for any purpose for which the information was not intended. The Contractor assumes all risk of any assumptions made regarding the electronic information. The Contractor bears all costs, including but not limited to the cost of actual reconstruction of work, that may be incurred due to errors in application of MCG techniques. Grade elevation errors, rework resulting from errors or failures of the MCG system, and associated quantity adjustments resulting from the Contractor’s activities are at no cost to the Department. Delays due to late submittals or satellite reception of signals to operate the MCG system will not result in adjustment to any contract unit prices or be justification for granting contract extensions. The electronic information is not to be considered a representation of actual conditions to be encountered during construction. Providing the Contractor this information does not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of making an investigation of conditions to be encountered, including but not limited to, site visits and basing the bid on information obtained from these investigations and the Contractor’s professional interpretations and judgment. The Contractor assumes the risk of error if the information is used for any purposes for which the information was not intended. Any assumptions the Contractor makes from this electronic information or manipulation of the electronic information is at the Contractor’s own risk.