Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Clear and remove all overgrown vegetation that is within two (2) feet of fence line. B. Furnish and install new nine (9) gauge galvanized, six (6) foot-high chain link fence with ninety (90) percent privacy and protection slats (color will be determined by Area office commander) plus three (3) strand barbed wire and razor wire material on north side of building. C. Install three (3) strand barbed wire and razor wire on gate. D. Install new line posts every eight (8) feet on center - 2 7/8” schedule 40 set in 12”x 48” footing. E. Top and mid rail - 1 5/8” Schedule 40. F. Install bottom tension wire nine (9) gauge smooth. G. Maintain a safe working environment to prevent injuries to CHP personnel or damage to CHP property. H. The Contractor, at no expense to the State of California, will repair any damage caused by the Contractor or any of his/her workers. I. The Contractor must field verify all measurements encompassed in this project and is solely responsible for their accuracy. J. The Contractor will keep the work site clean and haul away any work site debris. Removed material must be recycled where possible. K. Warranty all parts and workmanship for a period of one (1) year. Contractor to supply the manufacturer’s warranties and manuals for any parts used in this project. L. Contractor is responsible to secure CHP property with temporary fence during this project.