Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. The Contractor shall remove existing shingles and properly dispose of all removed debris at a DSWA approved facility. He shall also completely clean the job sites to a “before construction” or better condition at the completion of these installations. 2. The roof sheathing will be inspected for damage. If portions are in need of replacement the contractor shall notify the City and receive approval for replacement prior to removal. The contractor shall include in his base bid 100 square feet of replacement sheathing. The sheathing shall be 5/8” OSB plywood (or approved equal) fully edge and field nailed. If, as a result of the inspection additional sheathing replacement is necessary and approved by the City the contractor shall be paid for the area replaced in accordance with the per square foot price submitted by the contractor on the bid sheet. 3. Install new 15# felt over roof sheathing as shingle underlayment. 4. Install new aluminum factory painted drip edging, step flashing, counter flashing, pipe flashing, or other penetration flashing, (whether listed or not) to provide a complete watertight roofing system in accordance with the manufacture’s specifications. The color of any flashing to be chosen by the owner from the manufacturer’s standard color section options within the prices bid. 5. Provide and install new 30-year asphalt architectural shingles (with vented ridge cap) applied to all building roof surfaces. Shingle color to be chosen by the owner from the manufacturer’s standard color section options within the prices bid. Upon completion of the project and prior to final payment by the City the contractor shall provide the City a copy of the manufacture’s 30-year warranty for the asphalt roof system installed at the specific location.