Specifications include, but are not limited to: Student Affairs is seeking proposals for a comprehensive program review process related to DEIB initiatives in three phases to include: information gathering, stakeholder engagement, and report presentation that includes recommendations. This will be launched in September, 2023, and conclude with a DEIB Strategic Plan Report, with strategic goals and metrics finalized no later than April, 2024. The cultural centers review needs to begin first and a report completed by December 2023. The DEI review project must synergize and take into consideration the current Student Affairs Divisional Priorities, which are currently referenced in our ongoing organizational strategic planning process. Given leadership changes within the Identity & Inclusion theme, we are also seeking ways to build capacity with both the interim and future permanent Associate Vice Chancellor for I&I. We anticipate that all language used in these deliverables will be focused on ensuring success for all students on campus while centering students with underrepresented/marginalized identities.