Specifications include, but are not limited to: The applicant must be able to perform the following requests and include in the proposal: It is the expectation that programming is based on best practices of afterschool/summer programs that are aligned to one or more of our JPS Commitments: #1 A Strong Start, #2 Innovative Teaching and Learning, #3 Talented and Empowered Teams, #4 Joyful Learning Environments, and #5 Culture of Accountability and Excellence, as well as two or more of our JPS core values: Excellence, Equity, Positive and Respective Cultures, Growth Mindset, Relationships, and Relevance. Intentional Program Design Afterschool/summer programs are more likely to achieve desired youth outcomes if they use a deliberate process to design, implement, and evaluate activities. In this section, explain the rationale behind your program design, including why and how it will improve social, emotional, and academic outcomes for participants. Be as specific as possible, including details that will help you measure your progress and success.