Specifications include, but are not limited to: Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to perform 24-hour fire alarm monitoring, annual inspections and testing services of the existing facility fire alarm system. The contract will consist of the following: Equipment List: A. DMP Fire Command 1. 24-hour monitoring of the fire alarm system through Underwriter Laboratory (UL) listed central monitoring station. 2. Maintain UL certification of fire alarm system in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 72, latest edition adopted by the State of California. 3. Replace system batteries annually (no cost to the State). 4. Provide annual testing of the fire alarm system, including all devices. Testing and inspect the system devices annually, including functional tests. Per NFPA 72, testing to include load test of battery. Test results to be sent to the On-Site Contact as well as Lindsey Van Duyn, CHP Facilities Coordinator at P. O. Box 942898, Sacramento, CA 94298. A. Annual testing including testing smoke detectors, manual pull stations, heat detectors, notification devices and control panels. 5. Quarterly testing to include waterflow & tamper switches and visually inspecting water flow & tamper switches. 6. Quarterly visually inspect all smoke detectors, manual pull stations, heat detectors and notification devices. 7. Annually check all sensors and battery back-up. 8. Contractor shall not lock-out system.