Specifications include, but are not limited to: The State of Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, seeks professional services to deliver the CAPABLE & Home Modification Program and complete home modifications. DSAAPD is seeking vendors to provide the Community Aging in Place—Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) program throughout the state of Delaware. CAPABLE, developed by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, is a person-directed, home-based program that addresses both function and healthcare expenses. The four to five-month program integrates services from an occupational therapist (OT), a registered nurse (RN), and a handy worker who work together with the older adult to set goals and direct action plans that change behaviors to improve health, independence, and safety. Participants learn new skills, exercises, and how to work with additional tools/equipment/home modifications to improve function and safety. CAPABLE focuses on prevention and problem-solving, building skills that participants can use in the future. DSAAPD also seeks a vendor who can, in addition to CAPABLE, provide home modifications based on a thorough person-centered assessment of the needed modifications.