Specifications include, but are not limited to: Notice is hereby given that reverse auction bids will be received by the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the purchase, from the lowest and best bidder(s), of the following item as needed, for the Adams County Road Department, of a Mini Hydraulic Excavator. . Engine: Minimum net horsepower 54.8 . Engine MUST meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final . Swing System: Minimum swing speed 10 RPM’s . Must have automatic swing break, spring applied, hydraulic release . Travel Speed: Minimum low 1.9 MPH . . Minimum high 3.1 MPH . Hydraulic System: Auxiliary hydraulic lines . Pump flow minimum 35 gal/min . Digging force arm minimum 30.7 KN . Digging force bucket minimum 46.6 KN . Hydraulic thumb . Blade: Angle or Straight Blade