Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Contractor must inspect the facility and verify the list of equipment to be serviced and maintained according to the specifications. 1) Contractor shall sign-in/out with the Area Office Facility Contact upon each service call to provide verification the service has been provided. 2) Routine service to be performed quarterly. Contractor shall notify the Area Office Facility Contact of the date and time the service is to be performed one (1) week prior to the actual work. B. Start of Contract includes service and material for the following: 1) Perform coolant flush includes: a. new coolant b. belts c. hoses d. thermostats e. radiator cap 2) Replace battery (put replacement date on battery/s) 3) Perform complete tune-up on engine to include: a. replace spark plugs and spark plug wires. C. Annual Service Shall Include the following: 1) Change the oil and all filters (i.e. coolant, air, fuel and oil) 2) Sample the anti-freeze coolant in the engine and a supply report. 3) Blow out the generator/alternator with dry nitrogen. 4) Check the controller and all engine safeties. 5) Clean and adjust the voltage relays. 6) Lubricate the transfer switch mechanism with dry lubricant made for electrical devices. 7) Provide resistive load bank service annually and prearrange time of load bank service with the Facility Commander/Coordinator. This should be a typical two (2) hour testing process to be done annually. D. Quarterly Service Shall Include the Following: 1) Service the battery and record the levels. 2) Check the oil level. 3) Check the water and anti-freeze levels. 4) Check belt tension. 5) Drain the sediment off the fuel filters and day tank. 6) Check the battery charger. 7) Test run system under building load. 8) Check for leaks, make a visual inspection, and make minor adjustments. 9) Touch-up paint if necessary to prevent equipment from rusting. E. 480 Hour Service Shall Include the Following: 1) Adjust the valves. 2) Check the injectors and adjust timing and rack. 3) Perform a complete tune-up on the engine. F. Load Bank Service shall include the following: Provide resistive load banks services at the beginning of each contract year or at a time of mutual agreement with the CHP project representative. This should be a typical two hour testing process to be done annually.