Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of the Adult Trade Extension and Apprenticeship program and other federal funds that support RAPs is to develop more fully meet the academic, career, and technical skills of adults, by: • Building on the efforts of states and localities to develop challenging academic and technical standards; • Assisting students in meeting standards, including preparation for high-skill, high-wage or high-demand occupations in current or emerging professions; • Promoting leadership, initial preparation, and professional development; • Promoting the development of services and activities that integrate rigorous and challenging academic and career and technical instruction; • Supporting partnerships among secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, associate and baccalaureate degree granting institutions, and business and industry; and • Providing individuals with opportunities throughout their lifetimes to develop, in conjunction with other education and training opportunities, the knowledge and skills needed to keep the U.S. competitive.