Specifications include, but are not limited to: Chemical and hazardous waste generated by the California Department of Food and Agriculture(CDFA), Pest Detection Emergency Projects (PDEP) Southern District, needs to 2 be routinely removed and disposed of in accordance with stringent rules and time frames set forth by the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA), the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to the collection and disposal of hazardous waste, the contractor shall provide consultation to determine appropriate classification and containerization of waste, determination of proper waste streams, transport, labor, supplies, packaging, and disposal ofwaste. The Department of Food and Agriculture does not guarantee a minimum quantity of waste perlocation per pick up. 1. Provide all labor, tools, materials, supplies (e.g., Department of Transportation (DOT) containers), equipment, insurance, permits, and licenses necessary to lawfully pickup,transport and properly dispose of pesticide waste products generated by the SouthernDistrict locations (Exhibit A, Attachment #2), on an as needed basis. 2. Prepare chemicals for packaging by labeling, marking, and weighing. 3. Complete required manifest. 4. Transport all sealed containers as required by California Vehicle Code; California Highway Patrol Regulations; the California State Fire Marshal Regulations; and UnitedStates Department of Transportation (DOT). 5. Provide a detailed cost sheet for chemicals picked up per location. This sheet shall include type and amount of waste and must be completed on site and verified by PDEP/County staff at time of pickup. A copy will be given to PDEP/County at the time ofpickup, to be followed up with a final copy mailed to pick up location. 1. Cotton wicks impregnated with Dibrom 8 Emulsive, cuelure, methyl eugenol, or all three 2. lsopropyl alcohol diluted with water 3. Carbaryl diluted with water and rinsate 4. Acelepryn with water and rinsate 5. Tempo diluted with water and rinsate