Specifications include, but are not limited to: Sealed bids are being accepted for the proposed sidewalk improvements as outlined herein. The intent is to contract with one firm to remove existing sidewalk, excavate, form, and pour six (6) ADA compliant concrete handicap curb ramps, and some new five (5) foot wide sidewalk. Also included is the restoration of asphalt in the existing road surface where the existing sidewalk and curb are removed should it be needed for the ramp installations. The prices bid shall include all work needed to install the new ramps and sidewalk to specification. All existing locations adjoining the proposed installation shall include the top soiling and seeding of grassed areas adjacent to the new concrete edges to create a smooth transition with a maximum slope of 2:1. In addition the contractor shall fill and stabilize any existing large depressions (sink holes and ruts) in the grade adjacent to the paving edge. These areas shall be back filled, top soiled and seeded. The contractor shall provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment, sweeping, grading, and necessary traffic control. The intent of this bid is to provide all necessary work for a complete job. Signs, barricades, lights, and other necessary incidentals to detour traffic shall be furnished and maintained by the contractor at his/her expense.