Specifications include, but are not limited to: Contract 1: Painting Contractor shall provide labor and equipment for painting, sandblasting, epoxy coatings, and vinyl wall fabric work. TBE Goal: 23% Residency Requirement: 50% Bond Requirement: $100,000 Contract 2: Concrete Restoration Contractor shall provide labor and equipment to patch concrete on grade and in parking structure, including drill ports and inject concrete cracks, repair expansion joints, clean concrete, repair deck coating and paint striping. TBE Goal: 25% Residency Requirement: 50% Bond Requirement: $50,000 Contract 3: Tennis Court Repair Contractor shall provide labor, equipment, and materials for repairing, resurfacing, and marking tennis courts and, when requested by Owner, shall list a minimum of 10 tennis court resurfacing projects successfully completed. Pavement seal coat shall not contain coal tar-based material or material with high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). TBE Goal: 0% Residency Requirement: 50% Bond Requirement: $50,000 Contract 4: Carpet and Flooring Contractor shall provide labor and equipment to install carpet and resilient flooring. TBE Goal: 25% Residency Requirement: 50% Bond Requirement: $50,000 Contract 5: Metal Fabrication Contractor shall provide equipment and labor including certified welders to install and repair metal fabrications, recognize, and weld different types of steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, and brazing of non-ferrous metals. TBE Goal: 25% Residency Requirement: 50% Bond Requirement: $100,000 Contract 6: Standard Landscaping Contractor shall provide labor and equipment to install and maintain lawns, plants, trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Owner will retain 15 percent of money due until next planting season to guarantee growth. TBE Goal: 25% Residency Requirement: 50% Bond Requirement: $30,000 Contract 7: Native Plants Landscaping Contractor shall provide labor and equipment to install and maintain natives. Owner will retain 15 percent of money due until next planting season to guarantee growth. This may also include green infrastructure maintenance such as rain garden, bioswales, etc. Measure native plugs by the square yard. Includes all labor, material, equipment, and supervision required for completion of native plugs including soil preparation, sowing of plugs, installation of erosion control blanket, restoration of adjacent turf areas, mulching, installation of plugs, and watering until initial acceptance. Contractor to comply with Specification Sections found in Attachment A. TBE Goal: 0% Residency Requirement: 0% Bond Requirement: $30,000