Specifications include, but are not limited to: Conduct a 100% pedestrian inventory of identified inventory area employing appropriate survey methodology. Transect intervals will be 20 meters or less. Steep landforms, such as rock faces, talus/scree slopes, and cliffs, should be inspected for the possibility of cultural remains including but not limited to human burials, rock shelters/caves, buffalo kill sites, and rock art. Transect intervals may be widened in some instances provided a valid rationale for intensity of coverage is presented to a CGNF Archaeologist. In all cases, coverage must be thorough enough to locate all surface visible sites. Document and record all cultural resources from all surface and exposed indications on Montana State Site forms and include sketch maps and USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic map locations. Record all isolated finds on the CGNF Cultural Isolated Find Form. Locate each cultural resource site and isolated find on USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic maps, and collect GPS site location. Map all diagnostic artifacts, e.g., projectile points, ceramics. Include those found on sites and those occurring in isolation. Unique or rare diagnostic artifacts may be collected for curation at the Billings Curation Center. Take at least two photographs of each cultural property. Standing historic structures shall be photographed on all sides to illustrate architectural features. Label all photos with a description, orientation, and date. A photo record shall be maintained and submitted with the final report. Prepare scale maps of all sites to include cultural features, in relation to each other, basic site contents, topographic contour lines, site boundary, all collected artifacts, and locations of all described cultural material relative to the datum. Use of digital maps zoomed in to show the site is not acceptable when the details of the maps are pixelated and no longer identifiable. Only relative density of other lithic artifacts need be shown. All sites shall be mapped by GPS and taped or paced in meters. When utilizing GPS technology, note the type of equipment and level of accuracy employed. Locate and photograph all previously recorded sites that may be within the APE and update the site forms using Montana State Site Forms. Prepare new site maps. The Contractor shall obtain Smithsonian site numbers from the Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Archaeological Records for all cultural sites recorded in this inventory and which have not been previously assigned trinomial numbers. The CGNF will review all site forms for adequacy prior to Contractor submission to the Montana SHPO for site numbers.