Specifications include, but are not limited to: The State intends to make a noncompetitive purchase. The Office of Attorney General plans to enter into a contract for 12 months with Sarah Johnston as a Navigator with North Dakota Human Trafficking Task Force (NDHTTF). The Prevent Child Abuse ND (PCAND) and the Office of Attorney General - Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) Division have been awarded joint federal funding for the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) to Combat Human Trafficking Program. The program is to support the development and enhancement of multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that implement collaborative approaches to combat all forms of human trafficking – sex trafficking and labor trafficking – of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens (of all sexes and ages) within the United States. Funding through this program is to be used to assist communities in developing effective and sustainable multidisciplinary task forces that will implement victim-centered and coordinated approaches to identifying victims of all types of human trafficking, addressing the individualized needs of victims through quality services, and investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels. Ms. Johnson is uniquely qualified for this position because she has experience facilitating response team meetings and subcommittee meetings and is familiar with the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) grant and requirements. Ms. Johnson has been working in the navigator role with the task force for over a year and has an established relationship with victim service providers and law enforcement involved.