Specifications include, but are not limited to: Currently, oil extraction in the Bakken Formation of northwest North Dakota is approximately 1.2 million barrels of oil per day. At a price of $75/barrel, this equates to $90,000,000/day of revenue, accounting for roughly 75% of the State of North Dakota’s annual revenue. For oil extraction to continue at this pace, or increase, the population of northwest North Dakota, most notably Williston, needs to continue to grow. Currently, at slightly over 30,000 people in population, Williston is projected to reach 50,000 population by the year 2030. For this population growth to materialize, Williston and northwest North Dakota needs to expand healthcare to service the population increase. In the fall of 2022, WSC leadership executed a road tour of all major medical providers in northwest ND. During that tour, healthcare providers expressed a desire to expand, but cited the major impediment to such expansion, was the shortage of a trained healthcare workforce in northwest ND. Therefore, for medical providers to expand healthcare services in northwest North Dakota, they’ll need to have access to a trained workforce in the healthcare sector. Thus, with Williston State College being the only provider for higher education training in the region, the healthcare industry is looking to WSC to expand its healthcare training options. Currently offering only Nursing and Massage Therapy, WSC has the desire and capacity to expand its healthcare offerings. The healthcare training facility, projected at approximately 40,000 square feet and two-stories, will be constructed due east of WSC’s Frontier Hall. It will have the following estimates in terms of space allocation: Lab Space: 9,000 square feet; Traditional Classroom Space: 5,200 square feet; Study Space: 2,700 square feet; Auditorium: 3,000 square feet; Miscellaneous Space (Offices, Storage, Reception, Conference Rooms, etc): 8,000 square feet; Remaining 30% of space to be lobby, hallways, bathrooms, etc; Special Notes: Ambulance Bay for paramedic/ems programs; Labs to include rooms for Surg Tech, Operating Room, EMS lab, Nursing Bed Lab, patient rooms, etc. Auditorium to seat approximately 200 people; Faculty offices should number approximately 15-16 offices; Two reception areas; one for main entrance and one for Nursing Lab Wing