Specifications include, but are not limited to: The mission of the South Dakota Department of Health’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response is to develop and maintain the relationships, infrastructure, and expertise necessary to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies. The South Dakota Department of Health (SD DOH) is looking to engage a partner to complete a jurisdictional risk assessment to identify and analyze the State’s vulnerability to all hazards that may pose a public health threat to the population and recommend steps that can be taken to mitigate risk. The purpose of this request for proposal is to complete a comprehensive jurisdictional risk assessment of the state’s vulnerability to natural, human caused, and technological hazards, and recommend best management practices to mitigate this risk. • Stakeholder Engagement o Work with internal and external stakeholders to fully assess the above listed threats during the discovery and information gathering phase. o Engage key informants through on-site and virtual meetings to assist in the process of gathering insights into their experiences, perspectives, and recommendations. • Comprehensive Risk Assessment o Utilize a jurisdictional risk assessment tool (that South Dakota will retain ownership of) to complete an in-depth assessment of the state’s vulnerability to public health threats. o Develop a targeted vulnerability list to show how these threats rank from the greatest impact to the public’s health to the least impact to the public’s health. o Develop an immediate and future-focused action plan to mitigate disruptions to the jurisdiction caused by the public health threats. The South Dakota Department of Health (SD DOH) is looking to engage a partner to complete a jurisdictional risk assessment to identify and analyze the State’s vulnerability to all hazards that may pose a public health threat to the population and recommend steps that can be taken to mitigate risk. The ideal assessment partner would have specific subject matter expertise in public health, and be able to assess South Dakota state characteristics, infrastructure, and healthcare infrastructure. This assessment will be utilized in future hazard-specific planning, training, and exercising that would be conducted with public health preparedness partners.