Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Tank a. 350 gallon capacity _____ _____ _____________________ b. Double boiler type jacket _____ _____ _____________________ i. 58 gallon heat transfer oil reservoir _____ _____ _____________________ ii. Plug for draining heat transfer oil _____ _____ _____________________ iii. Cold seal tank _____ _____ _____________________ c. ¼” plate steel tank, material and oil vats _____ _____ _____________________ d. 6” diameter rear discharge port with guillotine dispensing gate _____ _____ _____________________ e. Heated rear chute and chute scraper _____ _____ _____________________ f. 10 pound fire extinguisher _____ _____ _____________________ g. Curb side loading hatch _____ _____ _____________________ i. Loading height not to exceed 60" ii. Hinged loading hatch for easy anti-splash loading. Handle shall be full width of hatch door. Loading hatch shall rest on rubber stop when open _____ _____ _____________________ iii. Shut off switch to stop agitation when loading hatch is open _____ _____ _____________________ h. Large volume heat transfer area to improve heat retention _____ _____ _____________________ 2. Heating a. Single 320,000 BTU diesel fired burner with remote mounted, solid state controls, with diagnostic capabilities _____ _____ _____________________ b. Electronic burner ignition system _____ _____ _____________________ i. Burner lighted by high voltage spark ignition _____ _____ _____________________ ii. Out-fire control to shut off fuel if burner goes out _____ _____ _____________________ c. Burner indicator light, green strobe _____ _____ _____________________ d. 2 – 1500 Watt overnight heating elements _____ _____ _____________________ e. 200,000 BTU handheld propane torch with bottle holder _____ _____ _____________________ f. Tool heater chamber _____ _____ _____________________ 3. Temperature Controls and Gauges a. Electronic solid state automatic temperature controls that regulate hot oil and material temperature with digital thermostat and dual digital controls _____ _____ _____________________ i. Measure hot oil and material temperature _____ _____ _____________________ ii. Located on curb side of unit _____ _____ _____________________ b. Sufficient sensitivity to maintain mastic temperature within the manufacturer’s specified temperature range _____ _____ _____________________ 4. Engine a. Liquid cooled diesel _____ _____ _____________________ b. 23 hp _____ _____ _____________________ c. Engine cover, rain guard with radiator protection _____ _____ _____________________ d. Anti-freeze to -40 degrees F _____ _____ _____________________ e. Cold weather starting aid _____ _____ _____________________ f. Spin-on throw-away type oil filter _____ _____ _____________________ g. Electric start h. Alternator _____ _____ _____________________ i. 12 volt battery, 625 CCA _____ _____ _____________________ j. Hour meter _____ _____ _____________________ k. Muffler with rain protection _____ _____ _____________________ l. Fuel capacity to run for an 8 to 10 hour day, 30 gallon minimum _____ _____ _____________________ i. Diesel fuel tank to operate entire system, engine and burner _____ _____ _____________________ ii. Fuel level sight tube or gauge _____ _____ _____________________ 5. Drive and Controls a. Hydraulic motor driven agitator _____ _____ _____________________ b. 13 gallon hydraulic oil reservoir _____ _____ _____________________ i. 10 micron filter _____ _____ _____________________ ii. Hydraulic oil level sight tube or dipstick