Specifications include, but are not limited to: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer Module for SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor SLX-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor SLX (unlimited elements-Standard Polling Throughput)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Web Performance Monitor WPMX (unlimited [recordings x locations], standard playback rate)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager DLX (unlimited nodes)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor AL300 (up to 300 monitors)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for virtualized environments for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle SE, or PostgreSQL Instance (30 to 49 licenses)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer per SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle SE, or PostgreSQL Instance (10 to 19 licenses)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor ALX (unlimited monitors-Standard Polling Throughput)-Annual Maintenance Renewal; SolarWinds Additional Polling Engine for SolarWinds Unlimited Licenses (Standard Polling Throughput)-Annual Maintenance Renewal