Specifications include, but are not limited to: A) Carbon Dioxide Estimated Annual Quantity 500 tons Quality: Liquid carbon dioxide shall meet requirements of AWWA Standard B510‐ 12. Purity: No less than 99.5% carbon dioxide available. No more than 120 parts per million (ppm) of water. Shall be free of foreign odors and shall not contain any substance in quantities detrimental to water quality. Delivery: Product shall be delivered via truck equipped to meter the delivered amount. Supplier must provide any equipment and labor needed to deliver product to the plant’s storage tank. Price: Bid price shall be per ton of liquid carbon dioxide. B) Chlorine Estimated Annual Quantity: 90 tons Quality: Chlorine shall meet requirements of AWWA Standard B301‐04. Purity: No less than 99.5% chlorine. No more than 50 parts per million (ppm) of water. Delivery: Product shall be delivered in one‐ton net weight containers. Supplier must provide any equipment and labor needed to unload containers so they are accessible by plant’s hoist. No deposit will be paid on chlorine containers. If demurrage charges apply, terms shall be included in bid proposal. Price: Bid price shall be per ton of chlorine. C) Ammonium Sulfate Estimated Annual Quantity: 55,000 pounds Quality: Ammonium sulfate shall meet requirements of AWWA Standard B302‐ 16. Packaging: 50 pound bags Delivery: Product shall be delivered via truck and transferred to the Minot Water Treatment Facility. Orders placed will be full truck load quantities of palletized 50 pound bags. Price: Bid price shall be per pound of ammonium sulfate.