Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Install security alarm system in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association – (NFPA) 72, latest edition adopted by the State of California. B. Contractor shall install Alarm Panel – Make and mode to be determined at bid walk. C. Contractor shall install eight (8) interior motion sensors in various locations inside the office to be determined at bid walk. D. Contractor shall install ten (10) exterior motion sensors at the locations to be determined at bid walk. E. Contractor shall install four (4) exterior motion beam sensors to cover bays. F. Document and provide a list of the make, model, and serial number of security alarm equipment to Facilities Analyst. G. Contractor shall not lock-out system. H. Contractor shall provide a one-year warranty on installation and the manufacturer’s warranty on all equipment installed. I. Contractor shall remove all debris, including packaging and dispose of off-site on a daily basis.