Specifications include, but are not limited to: STATE intends to enter into an Agreement for a Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC) to provide benefits planning services. The WIPA CWIC shall: Provide accurate information and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) work incentives; Develop accurate and personalized benefits analysis plans demonstrating appropriate work incentives and application of work incentives strategies that promote employment opportunities, including Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS); Coordinate meetings with STATE and former STATE clients in a timely manner, and in the method they choose to include (i.e. Team’s, phone or in person); Complete curriculum and continuing certification requirements offered by Virginia Commonwealth University's National Training and Data Center (NTDC); Coordinate duties with positions located across the state of North Dakota; Obtain and maintain a level five suitability determination from Social Security Administration (SSA); Collect and store data on program services and outcomes using SSA-approved encrypted storage devices provided by SSA for client data storage; Assure 100% of individuals served are current or former clients of STATE; Provide monthly reports, as requested; Conduct marketing/outreach/public education and group presentation regarding social security work incentives