Specifications include, but are not limited to: SERVICES Successful Respondent shall provide ongoing and regular field preventive maintenance and repairs on all traffic signal equipment, all associated lighting with the exception of illuminated street name signs, and all other associated apparatus using duly trained and qualified personnel. Successful Respondent shall furnish and retain a journeyman electrician with International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) level II certification and a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in traffic signal repairs during the entire term of the QL. The technician shall be familiar with the operation and use of all traffic signal equipment in use in El Dorado County and shall also be familiar with, and adhere to, all current applicable California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) standards and specifications including, but not limited to, programming standards for both traffic signal and interconnect timings of controllers. Successful Respondent shall use work zone traffic control measures as provided in the most current edition of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices whenever traffic control is necessary or as directed by the County’s Contract Administrator. Successful Respondent shall provide and maintain emergency service response on a twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day per week basis, including all holidays, utilizing a personnel hoist truck equipped with radio dispatch or cellular communications capabilities for service requests from the County throughout the term of the QL. Successful Respondent shall have available, and readily accessible, all required tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities and materials to perform all work necessary to maintain and repair the traffic signals and associated equipment during the term of the resulting QL that is compliant with current Caltrans standards and specifications. Successful Respondent shall furnish temporary replacement traffic signal controllers, detectors, conflict monitors and other standard signal equipment whenever the original units are removed for repair or servicing at no additional charge to County. Successful Respondent shall cooperate with the County’s Contract Administrator or his designee in re-calibrating signal timing and progression. Successful Respondent will not change the timing of any signal except under the direction or written authorization of the County’s Contract Administrator. Under emergency conditions, Successful Respondent shall facilitate full cooperation with the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office, and employees of the County’s Department of Transportation (DOT). Successful Respondent shall complete the Cabinet Log located in each signal cabinet every time the cabinet is opened to provide service under the resulting QL. The Cabinet Log will be provided by County and will require Successful Respondent to include the date of the log, arrival and departure times, description of the work performed, and name of Successful Respondent’s employee performing the work. Successful Respondent shall not represent County in matters of policy or procedures under the resulting QL, shall not make any reference to County policy or procedures, and shall refer all questions or inquiries from the public regarding policy and procedures or terms of the resulting QL to the County’s Contract Administrator.