Specifications include, but are not limited to: This chilled water infrastructure study will: 1. Determine the existing unconnected load on the SDSU main campus. 2. Identify potential future loads and coordinate with planned areas of growth. 3. Develop strategies and recommendations for accommodating growth and adding additional existing unconnected load throughout the campus. 4. Examine the production and distribution capacity within the chiller plants, determine existing excess capacity, and develop recommendations for upgrades to accommodate future growth. The scope of the Chilled Water Infrastructure Study will include the following: 1. Future load analysis: a. Calculate the cooling load for thirty-one (31) buildings that are served by either standalone chillers, window A/C’s, or split systems. b. Determine the best location for the chilled water entrance to the building and provide a preliminary layout for the required mechanical equipment. c. Provide a budgetary cost estimate for the building chilled water infrastructure in each of these buildings. 2. Utility distribution analysis: a. Using our existing campus utility data, create a computer model of the existing chilled water distribution system to understand how to extend chilled water infrastructure to serve these future loads by modeling the chilled water flow rate through the piping system. Use this model to predict undersized chilled water mains, and to propose solutions. b. Using the model, propose the appropriate changes and/or extensions to our existing distribution system to meet the future connected load. c. SDSU would like to connect both chilled water plants together and create two (2) piping loops to provide redundancy and allow for repairs without affecting chilled water services to campus. These loops would also allow one (1) of the plants to be shut down in the winter for maintenance. d. Develop a logical phasing plan to construct the new chilled water system extensions in phases, as our standalone chillers reach the end of their useful life. Include a cost estimate for each phase. 3. Utility chilled water production analysis: a. Knowing the future campus load, determine if additions/modifications to the chilled water plants are needed. Propose solutions to handle additional load. b. Such modifications could include the addition of new chillers or pumps within either plant, thermal energy storage, or the creation of a third chilled water plant. c. Provide an estimate of the future total winter cooling load and a recommended cooling strategy.