Specifications include, but are not limited to: Task 1: Kick Off Meeting The consultant shall review the MARC’s original grant application before meeting with the project steering committee to develop and clarify project objectives, deliverables and schedule. Task 2: Literature/Policy Review The consultant will compile and review all relevant plans and studies that may inform this project (e.g., Vermont Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Regional Transportation Plan, Regional Active Transportation Plan, VTrans Capital Budget and Program, VPSP2 submissions from the region, VT 103 Corridor Management Plan, North Springfield Truck Study, etc.). Task 3: Safety Analysis / Document Existing Conditions The consultant will compile and analyze existing conditions information including, but not limited to, crash data, demographic information, roadway conditions, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and public transit services. They will develop a technical memorandum to document existing conditions and safety analysis (See the details in the SS4A NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) and SS4A Action Plan Components).