Specifications include, but are not limited to: GENERAL AND PRIVATE OFFICES, INCLUDES LOBBY AND ENTRANCE 1) FLOORS AND BASEBOARDS - Floor Maintenance: Sweep, damp mop ..................................................................................................................... Daily Use detergent solutions and mops to remove soil from floors and baseboards that cannot be removed by sweeping, dust mopping or vacuuming. Dust mop floors that are coated with floor finish prior to damp mopping. Sweep other floor surfaces prior to damp mopping. Strip, treat and buff ............................................................................................................ Quarterly Completely remove all non-permanent floor finish and seal from resilient tile floors and from baseboards. Apply a minimum of two (2) coats of floor seal and three (3) coats of floor finish. Use single disk floor machines, stripping pads, putty knives, abrasive pads to remove removable marks, heel marks, scuff marks, rust stains, gum and other types of stains and soil. 2) EMPTY ANY and ALL WASTE CONTAINERS, WIPE OUT ASH TRAYS. DISPOSE OF GARBAGE IN DUMPSTER Wash when necessary and supply garbage liner ........................................................Daily 3) DUST Furniture surfaces.......................................................................................................... Bi-monthly Includes chairs, telephones, office equipment, modular furniture surfaces, cabinets, tables, shelves, and mirrors. Contractor will not disturb desk or similar items to dust. Building surfaces…........................................................................................................ Bi-monthly Ledges, heater convector, windowsills, blinds, fire extinguishers, counter tops, walls, pictures, door frames and sills, ceiling mounted fans, fixtures, partitions, rails, blinds, light fixtures, ventilator grills and ducts, and other types of fixtures and surfaces.