Specifications include, but are not limited to: General Description 1) Shall be a natural, agricultural, renewable resource that is derived from the sugar beet plant or approved equal that is less corrosive than traditional chlorides and is less harmful to the environment 2) Shall not contain or be blended with Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) or Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 3) Should improve the ice melting ability and help prevent ice hard pack from bonding to the road surface 4) Biodegradable and non-toxic to humans, animals, and aquatic life 5) Acceptable for use as a corrosion inhibitor for salt brines and thus able to be blended with all salt solutions without stratification at any time Typical Properties 1) Freeze point of at least -9°F in concentrate form 2) Minimum concentration of 60% solids 3) Maximum of 3% chloride and any chloride present must be naturally occurring in the product 4) Specific Gravity 1.28 – 1.38 Pounds per Gallon 10.9 ± 0.3 PH 6 - 9 Water Miscibility Complete Anti-Foaming Agent An anti-foaming agent shall be provided with the product at no additional cost. The anti-foaming agent must be provided in a separate container, in a large enough quantity to control foaming according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Material Safety Data Sheets Bidders must submit with their bids Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) covering the material being quoted.