Specifications include, but are not limited to: Contractor shall provide all labor and equipment such as front end pay loader, skid steer, truck or any other equipment/materials necessary to move snow piles. MSU will determine when piled snow shall be removed. The Contractor will have 24 hours from receiving the request, to remove the piled snow from the parking lots. The Contractor shall care to prevent damage to the parking area, sidewalks, signs, lawns and plantings. Any damages shall be reported to the Facility Director. The attached campus map shows all the MSU parking lot. The “X” represents where the snow piles will roughly be. MSU has three (3) locations where the snow will be stored for the winter. Listed in the order they will be used: Beaver Lodge parking lot (#23), Augustana and the north field by the Observatory. Prospective bidders are invited to personally view the lots at their own discretion. MSU does not have storage space for snow removal equipment or supplies. Any equipment or supplies will need to be stored offsite at Contractor’s expense. Successful bidder will be required to sign the contract. All equipment prices to include the hourly rate to be transported to/from parking lot. Billing shall be done on a monthly basis by submitting a numbered invoice for the service(s) provided and including detail of date(s) with type of service(s) provided by hour for that month. Time is to be rounding up to a maximum of the next quarter hour. Multiple snow removal events are allowed on an invoice. Failure to submit a correct invoice, may delay Contract payment. Prospective bidders must provide Certificate of Insurance per the attached Risk Management Appendix with signed bid response.