Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Contractor shall be responsible for clearing the NDDOT Drivers License parking lot of snow. a. Snow to be removed from the Drivers License parking lot when snowfall of three (3) inches or greater are experienced. b. Within the contractor’s capability, the parking lot will be cleaned by 6:00 a.m. CT for storms that terminate after midnight. c. Snow removed is to be deposited/stored at the edge of pavement area immediately south of the parking lot. d. The gutters at the parking lot islands will be cleaned free of snow during each snow removal. e. The parking lot islands will be cleaned when snow fall is 3 inches or greater. f. Care taken to prevent damage to parking area, sidewalks, curbs, lawn and planting areas. g. Final cleanup and removal of excess snow buildup will be the responsibility of state forces. h. Provide sanding of the parking and driving area after snow removal if needed. 2. Successful bidder will be required to sign the contract which accompanies and must provide Certificate of Insurance per the attached Risk Management Appendix. 3. Successful bidder must own, at a minimum the equipment identified as Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, and Item 4 on the Bid Response page. 4. Item 7 is for optional snow removal and sanding/salt spreading on the sidewalks for both the East and West sides of the Drivers License building by 7:30 am CT after an overnight snowfall. Hourly rate includes the cost of labor and sand/salt applied.