Specifications include, but are not limited to: Business Card Printing-Two Color versions General: This Term Contract is a cooperative purchase agreement for State Agencies and other governmental agencies to utilize when buying two color (2/c) business cards. It is separate from other printing Term Contracts for similar items and may be used by those agencies not covered under a specific term contract for business cards. The actual ink colors and other graphic specifications and guidelines for ‘ND Legendary’ business cards may be found at this link: https://www.ndtourism.com/northdakotabelegendarylogo . Business cards- 2/color, printed one side Artwork: Full type composition required. The actual number of total names is unknown. Quantities: Print business card info in quantities of 100, 250, 500 & 1000, per name. Proof: Color laser proofs required. Paper stock: 100#, white, smooth, uncoated cover, minimum 92 brightness. Ink Color: Print front side two PMS ink colors, 2/0, (print image does bleed.) Finishing/Packaging: Trim to 3½” x 2”. Pack in sturdy, uniformly-sized card boxes, pack names separately, label with quantity in each carton. Delivery: All printed materials must be delivered within 10 working days after the contractor receives an order from the Purchasing Agency. Materials are to be delivered (F.O.B. destination) to: One address of the respective ordering agency. Business cards- 2/color, printed two sides Artwork: Full type composition required. The actual number of total names is unknown. Quantities: Print business card info in quantities of 100, 250, 500 & 1000, per name. Proof: Color laser proofs required. Paper stock: 100#, white, smooth, uncoated cover, minimum 92 brightness. Ink Color: Print both sides two PMS ink colors (colors are common to both sides), 2/2, (print image does bleed.) If the ordering agency requests printing business cards in two colors over one color, they are to use the 2 color, two sided prices. Finishing/Packaging: Trim to 3½” x 2”. Pack in sturdy, uniformly-sized card boxes, pack names separately, label with quantity in each carton.