Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. Specifications include, but are not limited to: The State intends to make a noncompetitive purchase for the service of providing in-person case management and community integration services to Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible clients within the Dickinson, North Dakota community. This service must include a dedicated community connector who offers refugee newcomers with support, information, guidance, and service coordination so they can reach their full potential and integrate into their new community. They must assist refugee newcomers in accessing education, health, community-based, and specialized services that support the whole family. Community connectors meet one‐on‐one with refugee newcomers and their families to develop a Family Self-Sufficiency Plan (FSSP) and outline steps and make connections to achieve their goals. Key responsibilities of community connectors include: Focusing on long-term integration and making meaningful connections. Complete FSSP with new arrivals. This assessment tool is developed by State to guide referrals to community resources. Working with families to address immediate needs. Community connectors help identify needs and connect families to services within the community (preschool, K-12, adult education, health and mental well-being programs, housing assistance, childcare assistance, parks and recreation services and activities, and any other available community programs). Adult Learning Centers currently house much of this information. Providing easy access to individuals and families seeking assistance. Community connectors offer regularly scheduled walk-in hours as part of their service model to allow individuals to access services on a reliable, predictable basis. Providing local expert resource navigation. Community connectors help families to navigate local systems and are effective advocates. United States education and healthcare systems are second nature for locals, but refugee newcomers need support to understand cultural norms. Assisting refugee newcomers in understanding essential documents/communications they receive, including school communications, health care appointments and referrals, medical bills, benefit letters, etc. Coordinating with the Dickinson Job Service to support employable refugee newcomers to access career-based training and education programs, as well to support their job search. Key responsibilities to support long-term community integration include: Developing and maintaining a list of local community resources that will assist in meeting the specific needs of refugee newcomers. Resources include parks and recreation activities, community libraries, digital literacy programs, higher education support, ethnic community-based organizations, etc. Developing relationships with community organizations to facilitate the inclusion of refugee newcomers into association life. Building Dickinson’s version of Minot’s “Wayfinders” program, emphasis on making connections for international refugee newcomers. Including a “Taste of Nations” in the Banquet in a Field program, hosted by the Agricultural Committee, of the Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce. Including an international keynote or panelist in the Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce State of the City program. Including International “Lunch and Learns” and/or the addition of “World Cup” into the Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce’s Corporate Cup. Adding an international showcase to the Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce’s Harvest Festival event on the campus of Dickinson State University, beginning in 2024. INTENDED SOURCE: Dickinson Area Chamber of Commerce