Specifications include, but are not limited to: a. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, licenses and/or permits necessary for completion of Agreement for Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP). b. Coordinate with CHP Area representative before the start date of the Agreement to determine whether vehicles need to be transported from the previous storage facility and if so, transport the vehicles within the first week of the Agreement. Contractor shall invoice the CHP for this initial transfer at the rates specified in Exhibit B, Item 4 – Rate Schedule. c. Respond to all calls as requested by the CHP in a timely manner and be available on a 24-hour, 7-days per week basis. d. Secure and be responsible for the safekeeping of vehicular evidence and any and all property within. Perform skilled recovery, clean up the scene and transport impounded vehicles to their facility. e. Comply with the following provisions: California Unfair Trade Practice Laws, California Business and Professions Code (B&PC) Section 17043, B&PC Section 16700 et seq., B&PC Section 17200, Common Law Interference Advantage, Common Law Unfair Competition, and Federal and state prohibitions against contracts in restraint of trade. f. Contractor or subcontractor shall ensure employees do not place another vehicle or other collision scene debris on or within any vehicle impounded as evidence. Contractor or subcontractor shall not enter the vehicle without the express consent of the CHP scene manager. (2) The facility that is to be used under the terms of this Agreement must be located within the Geographical Regions (Exhibit A-1) included in this Agreement, unless this requirement is waived by an addendum from the Area commander. (3) If Contractor is a CHP rotation tow service provider; a call-out under this Agreement does not constitute a rotation call-out. B. Contractor & Employees (1) Contractor shall have a minimum of three (3) verifiable years of for-hire towing experience as an owner or principal or employ a full-time manager who possesses at least three (3) verifiable years of tow experience as an owner, principal, or full-time manager. If, during the term of this Agreement, the status of appointed manager changes or said manager ceases to be employed by the Contractor, this may be cause for cancellation of the Agreement. (2) Contractor and all applicable employees shall have a Carrier Identification (CA) number and valid Motor Carrier Property (MCP) permit. In addition, Title 13, Section 1213, California Code of Regulations requires that records be maintained for hours of service. Tow Vehicles (1) Contractor shall equip and maintain tow trucks to be used for services under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions set forth in the California Vehicle Code (VC), Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations (Title 13), these Specifications, and in a manner consistent with industry standards and practices. (2) All tow trucks shall have recovery and wheel lift capabilities meeting these specifications and the most recent electronic version of the CHP 234B, Tow Truck Inspection Guide (Attachment 2). Class D tow trucks (if applicable) used exclusively for salvage and recovery operations are not required to possess wheel lift capabilities. A car carrier is exempt from the recovery, wheel lift, and boom capability requirements, however; the car carrier must be an additional unit and shall not be used for recovery.