Specifications include, but are not limited to: 3.1 The contractor will provide 2-4 webinars per year relating to the MBQIP measure topic areas for quality improvement. 3.2 The contractor will assist CAHs with MBQIP measures and data reporting and track TA provided. 3.3 The contractor will conduct CAH specific assessments related to MBQIP to identify barriers via onsite visit, email, and/or telephone. . 3.4 The contractor will provide one-on-one CAH assistance to resolve barriers of consistent MBQIP reporting with any of the 40 CAHs via in person, email, and/or telephone. 3.5 The contractor will work with the state Flex Coordinator to collect and analyze MBQIP data to determine activities to improve state QI data cooperatively. 3.6 The contractor will share resources, education, reminders, and information related to MBQIP and the activities contained in the Flex cooperative agreement application. 3.7 The contractor will provide an MBQIP Quality Measures workshop targeting education for CAH quality improvement staff on MBQIP measures topic areas, detailed education on site location to enter measure data, and step-by-step instructions regarding data entry and related quality improvement. 3.8 The selected contractor must possess a broad understanding and working knowledge of the Flex Program, MBQIP measure topic areas, the MBQIP data reporting sites, and have a relationship with the South Dakota CAHs.