Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Collaborate with selected kiosk contractor and the City team on the design and fit-up of the Kiosk. • Maintain the interior and exterior of Kiosk. • Offer food and drink to the visitors of City Hall Park. • Provide all food preparation either on or off-site. • Provide on-site waste, recycling and composting receptacles and vendor is responsible for the disposal of all waste, recycling and composting. • Pay for all electrical and water fees associated with the Kiosk. • Provide staffing, and management of the Kiosk to operate for a minimum of 8-12 hours/day and a minimum of 6 days per week year-round. 7 days per week vending encouraged and will positively impact the application. A schedule outside of this is permissible upon prior approval of the City. • Collaborate on operations alongside City team in City Hall Park to support programming and events. There may be specific dates that the City would require operations to close due to maintenance or conflicting events. The City will provide notification at least 7 days prior. • Contribute to social causes and initiatives within Burlington. This may include but is not limited to donating proceeds to a local non-profit (of the City’s choosing), allowing King Street Lemonade or similar programs to operate out of the Kiosk, or hosting pop-ups for food vendors from underserved communities. • Obtain any and all permits and licenses required to operate their business, which may include but is not limited to health licenses, and special event permits. • For the allowance to conduct business operations at the Kiosk in City Hall Park, the City asks for a proposed compensation package of 10% of gross revenue receipts, with a minimum payment of $10,000.00 annually for the first year, $12,000 annually for the second year, and $15,000 annually for the third year. All payments must be made by the 15th of each month.