Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Solution must meet the following MDWAS high-level objectives: a) Aligns with the State’s vision to transition from legacy monolithic applications with siloed data to an evolved and integrated human services enterprise by collecting Medicaid-related data from disparate data sources to meet the State’s Business Intelligence (BI) needs. b) Implements comprehensive and robust tools, processes, and services to support vigorous data management functions that consolidate disparate data from multiple data source systems. c) Implements scalable and extensible solutions that meet the long-term vision of leveraging data and information across the human services enterprise over the life of the contract. d) Establishes and aligns to an enterprise modular project and operational management/administration framework that enables the successful design, development, implementation, certification, operation, maintenance, and probable contractual closeout of systems and services with the State. e) Performs filtering, cleansing and transformation of data derived from a variety of disparate data sources and received from the Data Lake at various refresh frequencies. f) Provides feed of Medicaid clinical data to Interoperability service(s). g) Provides comprehensive, flexible, and robust data warehouse capabilities that support Vermont with: (1) Federally mandated requirements, (2) State requirements, and (3) consumable data for use by the DAR. h) Ingests Medicaid-related data from the MDL at various refresh frequencies and links it to existing VHIE patient data to create a comprehensive, longitudinal record for Vermonters. i) Allows for successful transition of the Solution prior to the end of the engagement to existing VHIE system owners. j) Aligns with State's Technical Design Architecture (TDA) which is overviewed in Figure 3 below.