Specifications include, but are not limited to: PORTABLE TOILET UNIT - a. Contractor shall provide one (1) ADA portable toilet unit complying with requirements listed below. b. Contractor shall adjust grab bars upon delivery and at each service visit. c. Contractor shall adjust door closers (if provided) upon delivery and at each service visit. 1) Sweep period from an open position of 70-degrees shall be no less than 3-seconds to move to a point of 3-inches from latch, measured to leading edge of door. (CBC 1133B.2.5.1); DOOR - a. 3’-0” minimum width by 6’-8” minimum height. (CBC 1133B.2.2) b. Shall be capable of opening at least 90-degrees with a minimum clear width of 32-inches for exit way. (ADA 404.2.3 and CBC 1133B.2.2) c. Shall be lockable and operable with one hand requiring no tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. (ADA 309.4 and CBC 1008.1.9.1) d. Door opening hardware shall be centered between 34-inches and 48-inches above finished floor. (ADA 404.2.7 and CBC 1008.1.9.2) e. Force to activate door hardware shall not exceed 5 lbs. (ADA 309.4 and CBC 1008.1.3) f. Bottom of door shall have a 10-inch high smooth, uninterrupted surface the full width of push side of door. Any cavities created by adding kick plates shall be capped. (ADA 404.2.10 and CBC1133B.2.6) g. Door shall swing outward. h. Raised threshold and floor level changes greater than ¼-inch shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2. (CBC 1008.1.7 and CBC 1133B.2.4.1) i. Provide 60-inches clear perpendicular to pull side of door the full width of door plus 18-inch extension at latch side. (ADA 404.2.4.1 and ADA 404.2.4 and CBC 1133B.2.4.2 and CBC 1133B.2.4.3)