Specifications include, but are not limited to: Landline and Cell Phone Surveys Contractor shall complete no fewer than 1,200 (or mutually agreed number) landline telephone and no fewer than 4,800 (or mutually agreed number) cell phone interviews of North Dakota residents aged 18 and older for the 12-month period January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. In accordance with CDC policy, all residential households with landline telephone service must be included in the sampling frame. Landline sample is provided by CDC and is divided into block-numbers. The sample might also be geographically stratified with minority over-sampling in certain years. Once an eligible household is reached, all adults in the household are enumerated and a random respondent is selected. No proxies or substitutions are permitted for the selected respondent. To keep pace with the growing number of households that are cellphone only, the proportion of interviews completed by cell phone in 2024 will be 80% and might further increase in coming years. Cell phone sample is provided by CDC; this sample may also be geographically stratified. Unlike the landline sample, any adult reached by cell phone who lives in either a private residence or college housing is eligible for the cell phone survey. Monthly surveys for the landline telephone and cell phone will each average 100 landline and 400 cellphone completed interviews per month.; Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) System specifications for Telephone (landline and cell) Interviews Contractor will provide a CATI capable survey lab, and all equipment needed to collect and monitor data collection, allocate samples, and prepare and clean the data. This contract will not provide for the purchase of equipment or software to establish or expand a survey lab, but costs associated with operation of the lab should be reflected in the proposed costs. Sawtooth WinCati and Ci3 or Sensus are the preferred CATI software systems for data collection. Other software systems may be acceptable for the BRFSS surveillance project, but they must: Follow skip patterns based on the category of answers to one or more prior questions.; Calculate (at least addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to determine skip patterns based on information gathered to prior questions.; Make random selections based on prior questions (for example, randomly choose one adult in the household to interview or choose a child at random based on the number of children in the household).; Provide consistency edits and response-code range checking.; Manage the telephone sample, including call back schedules and disposition coding.; Permit sharing the programming commands in the questionnaire with the BRFSS program staff as well as provide a text document of the programming commands and the questions.; Permit data entry during the conduct of an interview.