Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Contractor shall follow locate request response requirements as indicated by Digger’s Hotline system. 2. Contractor’s underground utility locating equipment and processes are subject to Wisconsin DOA inspection and approval. 3. All underground utility facilities shall be electronically located, except where electronic locating is impossible. 4. Contractor shall locate underground utilities utilizing map data and measurements when electronically locating is impossible. 5. Contractor shall contact the Wisconsin DOA when locating underground utilities is impossible by other means identified above. 6. Contractor shall contact the excavator when marking instructions are unclear and/or incomplete. It is the responsibility of the contractor to identify errors and omissions with excavators locate requests and take corrective action to complete the utility locate request on time. 7. Contractors shall provide additional site surveillance services when requested by the Wisconsin DOA. 8. Contractor shall assign continuous staff to perform underground utility locating for large, longduration work sites. Staff requirements for long duration work sites shall attend progress meetings and coordinate with Wisconsin DOA staff as required to maintain familiarity and responsiveness to the needs of the project activities. 9. Contractor shall not enter the following facilities unless accompanied by an authorized Wisconsin DOA employee: 1. Cabinet enclosures 2. Wisconsin DOA building facilities 3. Other facilities specifically identified by the Wisconsin DOA