Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project requirements include, but may not be limited to: 1. Improving service delivery and reducing errors by moving to a 100% paperless environment 2. Providing a web facing secure portal to facilitate self-service. 3. Enterprise solution for automated client intake and case management for DIA enforcement units. 4. The ability for DIA enforcement units to view other units’ intakes, cases and claims for investigative purposes. 5. The ability to provide Geographical Information Solution (GIS) for demographic tracking of minor permits, intakes, cases, claims, penalties, and enforcement officers’ onsite visits. 6. Ability to integrate with State employer source data systems (See Section II.H POTENTIAL INTERFACES). 7. Ability to generate, update, and create new ad hoc letter templates. 8. Ability to calculate benefits owed to claimants. 9. Provide debt collection such as wages owed, fees, penalties, and manage overdue invoices