Specifications include, but are not limited to: Dr. Small is an enrolled tribal member of the Northern Cheyenne tribe of Montana. He was raised on the reservation and has personal experience with the impact of trauma on Native American students, families, communities, and organizations. He understands the sources of strength derived from one’s cultural resilience and practicing Native values. His comprehensive experiences as an educator, professor, Director of several American Indian non-profit organizations, and internationally renowned trainer and facilitator of prevention, intervention, Native American history, and education make his knowledge, skills, and abilities uniquely qualified for this DPI contract to develop an online Native American history class to be utilized by educators, parents, school administrators, counselors, paraprofessionals, and others. His American Indian non-profit organization, Native PRIDE has developed three trauma-informed, equity, and culture-based curricula that are endorsed by federal and state agencies and tribal leaders as Best Practices for culture-based prevention and intervention approaches. He has served as a lead trainer in implementing SB 2304 training for North Dakota school administrators, school board members, tribal leaders, students, paraprofessionals, and other clinical personnel. Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.