Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. The primary objective of this project is to protect critical communications infrastructure and increase defensible areas on the City of Missoula’s Mt. Dean Stone Preserve by reducing overall accumulated fuels and creating shaded fuel breaks. Treatment prescriptions reflect the intensity of maintenance required to achieve these desired conditions. 2. A secondary objective of this project is to restore and maintain forest health and vigor in specific treatment units surrounding those areas where the primary objective is implemented. 3. Another secondary objective is to maintain the existing recreational user experience along authorized shared-use trails within the project area. To achieve this, Parks & Recreation staff will treat a 30-ft buffer along all trails passing through the project area, and these buffer zones will be excluded from the scope of external contracts. 4. A tertiary objective is to utilize extracted wood products (if possible). Contractors will be required to propose how this would be implemented give the constraints of the site and how this would affect the per acre cost of implementation.