Specifications include, but are not limited to: The laundry is sorted and counted at the station by the MFD crew and bundled into sheets. The bundles are then put in laundry containers that are provided by either the vendor or City, depending on the agreement, and left at the back of the stations. The vendor is responsible for picking-up containers with soiled laundry and returning clean laundry to the station’s laundry containers. Laundry service is to include washing and drying as normally required in quality laundry service. Items shall be treated with only non-allergic soaps, detergents, bleaches or other chemicals to render the finished products clean. All laundry is to be processed with first quality work with minimum wear and tear on the fabric. Linens must be folded and packaged in plastic prior to return to fire station. Ownership of all laundry items shall remain with the Madison Fire Department, however the vendor should take such measures as reasonably required to protect against loss by pilferage or destruction. The vendor will be responsible for damage or loss of laundry items caused by negligence of the vendor or their employees. The vendor shall reimburse the Madison Fire Department for any piece of laundry damaged by neglect or carelessness in the laundering process. The vendor must return the same number of clean linens to the location where soiled items were previously picked up. This service requires weekly pick-up and delivery to the fourteen (14) fire station located in the City of Madison.