Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. OBJECTIVE The overall objective of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather data and information from the Community Providers (Respondents) regarding the respondent’s capability to meet the requirements of a residential program for incarcerated person who will be released from CDCR Institutions. The CCTRP is designed to help female participants successfully reenter the community. The programs may serve participants releasing to surrounding counties. The program goals include: Delivery of a gender responsive, trauma informed residential program that provides or arranges access to a range of community-based, rehabilitative services that assist with substance use disorders, mental health care, medical care, employment, life skills, education, literacy, housing, family reunification, and social support. Provision for effective case management, including, but not limited to: individual assessments, individualized counseling sessions, group counseling, development of individualized reintegration plans, and development of discharge plans which shall include independent community living arrangements and aftercare.