Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Mobilization/Demobilization: This work consists of, but is not limited to, bonding, insurance, shop drawings, meetings, construction stakeout, pre-construction video, utility locating, staging, movement of equipment, site maintenance, site clean-up, replacement of any damaged property, and as-built plans. The Contractor shall provide redline plan markups. This item will not be measured but will be paid for at the contract lump sum price provided by the contractor on the bid form for Mobilization/Demobilization. Payment will be scheduled as follows: fifty (50) percent upon issuance of Notice to Proceed and the balance upon completion of the project. 2. Erosion & Sediment Control: This work consists of furnish, setup, and removal of sediment and erosion control measures, including construction entrance, haul roads, silt fence, compost filter log, erosion control matting, etc. This item will not be measured, but will be paid for at the contract lump sum price provided by the contractor on the bid form for Erosion & Sediment Control. Payment will be scheduled as follows: 50 (fifty) percent upon installation of controls and the balance upon completion of the project. 3. Clearing, Grubbing, and Restoration: This work consists of clearing the lagoon embankments of all trees and other woody vegetation for all areas within the top of banks of lagoons 1 and 2. This work also consists of topsoiling, re-seeding and repairing any damages to the site to restore site conditions to pre-construction conditions. This item will not be measured, but will be paid for at the contract lump sum price provided by the contractor on the bid form for Clearing, Grubbing, and Restoration. 4. Lagoon 1 Dredging: This work consists of location and protection of any utilities located within or near Lagoon 1 and the removal, hauling, and off-site disposal of sediment and material from Lagoon 1 to achieve the depths proposed on the construction plans. This item will be measured from the volume comparison between the PRE-Dredge survey and the POST-Dredge survey. POST-Dredge survey to be performed by the Engineer following completion of dredging within Lagoon 1 to confirm volume of dredged material in accordance with the construction plans. Payment will be made at the unit price bid for the actual volume dredged as measured by the volume differential between the PREDredge and POST-Dredge surveys. The estimated quantity includes an allowance for 6-inch depth of overdredge below the proposed dredge elevations on the plans. No payment will be made for dredge quantities deeper than 6 inches below the proposed plan elevations or over the bid quantity. 5. Lagoon 2 Dredging: This work consists of location and protection of any utilities located within or near Lagoon 2 and the removal, hauling, and off-site disposal of sediment and material from Lagoon 2 to achieve the depths proposed on the construction plans. This item will be measured from the volume comparison between the PRE-Dredge survey and the POST-Dredge survey. POST-Dredge survey to be performed by the Engineer following completion of dredging within Lagoon 2 to confirm volume of dredged material in accordance with the construction plans. Payment will be made at the unit price bid for the actual volume dredged as measured by the volume differential between the PREDredge and POST-Dredge surveys. The estimated quantity includes an allowance for 6-inch depth of overdredge below the proposed dredge elevations on the plans. No payment will be made for dredge quantities deeper than 6 inches below the proposed plan elevations or over the bid quantity. 6. Lagoon 2 to Lagoon 3 Valve Replacement and Cleanouts: This work consists of removing and disposing of the existing valve and cleanouts and furnishing and installation a new gate valve and dual cleanout, to allow cleaning of the pipe in both directions, on the piping between Lagoon 2 and Lagoon 3. This item will not be measured but will be paid for at the contract lump sum price provided by the contractor on the bid form for Lagoon 2 to Lagoon 3 Valve Replacement and Cleanout. 7. Dewatering and Bypass Pumping: This work consists of furnishing all materials, installation, and operation of the dewatering and bypass systems in order to dewater the lagoons for dredging operations. This item will not be measured, but will be paid for at the contract lump sum price provided by the contractor on the bid form for Dewatering and Bypass pumping.