Specifications include, but are not limited to: An approximately 3,000 foot pathway built to accessibility standards around the Bethel Athletic Fields: This project will occur on school lands and private parcels owned by Dennis M. Wood and GW Nolato, Inc. Ten year trail use agreements have been secured from each landowner per state grant requirements. Item 1: 5’ wide finished pathway surfaced with hardpack, approximately 3,000 feet in total length. Item 2: One culverted crossing of a drainage swale south of the main parking lot and one culverted crossing of a drainage swale north of Church Street. Item 3: Three to five pull offs/rest stops/event viewing areas - can be priced as separate items for budgeting purposes. Item 4: 1, approximately 200’ long crossing of entrance road/parking area. Minimum Scope of Work for Project #1: Removal of sod and organic soils down to the mineral soil layer. 4-5 inches of ¾” ledgestone or equivalent trail subsurface. Geotextile fabric above crushed stone subsurface. 4-5 inches of ⅜” hardpack compacted trail surface. Removal of trees, brush and other vegetation within the 7' trail construction corridor when necessary. Removal of any trees within the trail corridor with substantial damage to root systems that occurs during construction activities. Maintain 0-5% average running trail slope where feasible. In areas where 5% running trail slope cannot be reasonably accomplished, Incorporate resting intervals (can be in conjunction with field viewing areas) dependent upon final areas of running slope based on Forest Service standards referenced below. 2% finished outslope from trail centerline.