Specifications include, but are not limited to: The conversation about the present workforce issues facing education in North Dakota is almost entirely about addressing the “shortage” in our schools. This naturally leads us to focus on all the ways we “might” recruit new teachers and leaders. Sorely missing from so much of this conversation is how to first retain the educators already in the profession. The statistics are clear. Unless we change the status quo, burnout and attrition are certain. In fact, 74% of educator members surveyed by North Dakota United in 2022 believe teacher retention for 2022-2023 is a major issue. In addition, only 5% of educator members surveyed feel appreciated. This, along with a 65% decrease in North Dakota United members seeing themselves retiring as a North Dakota educator, is very concerning. Regardless of why teachers are leaving, they are, and Vital Network can help. Founded in 2011, Vital Network brings research-based strategies and resources shown to have the most profound impact on reducing educator burnout and increasing retention. By gathering educator voice, measuring levels of staff hope and wellbeing, and identifying organizational practices contributing to burnout, Vital Network provides district and building-level leaders with personalized experiences and goal-setting recommendations to improve organizational effectiveness across three (3) focus areas: Voice and Decision Making Time Management Care and Support Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.