Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Update and Revise Port Strategic Communication Program ▪ Review and assess the current position of the Port of Green Bay - all existing public relations efforts. ▪ Assist the Port in meeting goals set forth in the Port of Green Bay Strategic Plan (attached). ▪ As situations arise and if beneficial to the Port, facilitate strategic meeting(s) with key stakeholders including; staff, Harbor Commission, terminal operators, and others to shape the development of a key message/issue strategy and components (print, newsletters, TV, radio, billboards, social media, website, videos, sponsorships, etc.) of the communication program. ▪ Develop an effective communications plan that enhances or supplements the current communication strategies of the Port of Green Bay. B. Update and Revise Resource Recovery Strategic Communication Program ▪ Review and assess the current position of the Resource Recovery Department - all existing public relations efforts. ▪ Assist Resource Recovery Department in meeting goals set forth in the Strategic Solid Waste Management Plan (attached) and Brown County’s position in the BOW Strategic Plan (attached). ▪ As situations arise and if beneficial to the Resource Recovery Department, facilitate strategic meeting(s) with key stakeholders including: staff, Solid Waste Board and others to shape the development of a key message/issue strategy and components (print, newsletters, TV, radio, billboards, social media, website, videos, sponsorships, etc.) of the communication program. ▪ Develop an effective communications plan that enhances or supplements the current communication strategies of the Resource Recovery Department. ▪ Enhance awareness of benefits that northeast Wisconsin businesses can enjoy by utilizing the Hazardous Material Recovery Program. C. Implementation and Oversight of the Communication Plan – Port & Resource Recovery ▪ Create, coordinate and maintain the Port & Resource Recovery Department’s communication materials which may include but are not limited to: newsletters, websites, promotions, printed material, displays, press releases, social media, newspaper columns, media pitches, news conferences, sponsorships, videos, etc. ▪ Implement earned media and social media public relations strategy including content, graphics, advertising, analytics and earned media value estimation. ▪ Implement purchased media-advertising program ▪ Create and manage reactive communications (i.e. what to do when we are asked to comment; how to respond to negative article/headlines/etc.) ▪ Manage and control small purchased media budget ▪ Implement strategies to meet the goals of strategic plans (three total – one for the Port, one for Resource Recovery and one for the BOW system). ▪ Create and facilitate public outreach opportunities including but not limited to: Port Symposium, stakeholder events and customer appreciation days.