Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Quarterly Bay Doors Maintenance: 1) Lubricate all moving parts, tighten drive chain on door motor, and set limit switch. 2) Inspect motor and clutch mechanism for wear. 3) Inspect bearings, gears, and shafts for wear. 4) Inspect oil and fluid levels. 5) Grease chain, shafts, bearings, etc. 6) Inspect all electrical parts and wiring including touch pad controls. 7) Inspect chain for wear, lubricate at each maintenance. 8) Adjustment to rollup door for proper clearances and tolerances. 9) Inspect safety edge for proper operation. 10) Keep rails, guides, springs, and rollers secure and free from dust, dirt, corrosion, and obstruction. 11) Keep upper rails and rollers lubricated according to manufacturers' recommendations. 12) Check and maintain alignment of rollers and rails. 13) Check guides for security and alignment. Straighten bent guides. 14) Keep hinges and springs free from dirt, debris, and corrosion. Lubricate at each maintenance. 15) Keep locks and latches lubricated at each maintenance. 16) Check door operating switches for proper operation. B. Semi-Annual PIT Cover Maintenance: 1) Inspect electric motor. 2) Inspect and adjust limit switch and lubricate limit switch shaft with a couple of light oil drops. 3) Inspect chain and adjust if required. Clean and lubricate chain with waxy type. industrial strength chain lubricant and rust inhibitor at each maintenance. 4) Inspect pit cover wheels. Lubricate wheels with a Lithium based lubricant at each maintenance. 5) Replace transmitter's 9-volt batteries, at each maintenance. 6) Inspect pit cover wheel track and support bolts. 7) Inspect safety edge for proper operation.