Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Access to water for use by Contractor will be made available by the CHP. B. Contractor shall check-in and check-out with the on-site contact person or designee upon each service to provide verification the service has been provided to the satisfaction of the on-site contact or designee. C. Routine service to be performed semi-annually. Contractor shall notify the on-site contact of the date and time the service is to be performed one (1) week prior to the actual work. D. Contractor must respond to miscellaneous service call-outs within twenty-four (24) hours of notification. E. Contractor shall steam clean the concrete portions of the roadway/parking lot surfaces located at the facility (including the concrete platform scale surface) and the floors of the inspection bays. Additionally, at facilities where pit inspection lanes are used, Contractor shall steam clean floors, walls, and covers of the pits. F. Scrubbing and/or brushing may be required to adequately clean surfaces prior to steam cleaning. G. Contractor to clean up and remove effluent waste caused by the steam cleaning and provide a copy of invoice from disposal site with their invoice. The cost of waste water disposal must be included in your rate. H. Service shall be performed by trained, competent workers. Contractors must be adequately trained in storm water and non-storm water pollution prevention and control and implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) for all contracted steam cleaning related activities. The Contractor shall comply with the Federal Clean Water Act, applicable California Health and Safety Code requirements and the California Water Code. I. Any work found unsatisfactory shall be redone before the next scheduled service at no additional cost to the State. J. No extra charge for any work or material will be allowed unless directed to do so in writing by the CHP.